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The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee held a meeting on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at the Newtown Municipal Center, Newtown, Connecticut.  Mr. Floros called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Present:  Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist, Ben Roberts, Robert Maurer, Nancy Roznicki, Alan Shepard, Gary Steele and Deborra Zukowski; Absent: Dennis Kyle, Michael Mossbarger, and Stephen Zvon; Also Present:  E. Patricia Llodra, First Selectman and George Benson, Director of Planning and Land Use (Newtown Land Use Agency).

Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson from 16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook discussed a philosophical divide in the role of government.  She distributed information titled “A method of calculating costs to the Town for the proposed apartment house at Fairfield Hills and actual tax revenue the Town may expect to receive.”  Ms. Johnson also distributed a map of the Danbury Hospital area, including medical offices within its Vicinity, and a proposed map on how she views Fairfield Hills can look in the future.  The map of Fairfield Hills include a Police Station, Rec Center, restaurant, senior center, pool trail and banked land.  She feels the Police Station is a high priority.  Ms. Johnson also discussed a children’s playground and a magnet school.  She said the magnet school would include an outdoor auditorium where master teachers could educate the children in a different way.  

Approval of Minutes:  Ms. Zukowski motioned to approve the minutes of August 23, 2010 as amended.  The motion seconded by Mr. Mossbarger.  The motion was approved unanimously as amended.

First Selectman – First Selectman Llodra was present to discuss the theme of Open Space, Recreation and Social Services.  She discussed the Board of Selectmen unanimously approving a five year CIP that will go before the Board of Finance, the Legislative Council and then to the community.  An overview showing the CIP requests related to Fairfield Hills was distributed.  The requests are organized in three categories; Infrastructure, Walking Trails, and Building Demolition.  She discussed the Town’s $500,000 grant to rehab one duplex for the use of Kevin’s Community Center with an approximate cost of $400,000.00.  The Newtown Youth and Family Services has expressed strong interest in being located in two of the duplexes as well.  She said the refurbishment of the three duplexes and the Washington Square area will make the remaining two duplexes more attractive to potential tenants.  Mr. Roberts asked about the remaining $100,000 of the $500,000 grant.  Ms. Llodra said any remaining funds will be used at Fairfield Hills.   

Review of Existing Land Uses on Fairfield Hills Campus (How Changes are Made to Those Uses) - George Benson, Director of Planning and Land Use, was present to discuss existing land use for Fairfield Hills.  Mr. Benson said that Fairfield Hills is a zone within the Town and that the Land Use Agency is the regulatory agency for zoning.  He said the zoning regulations determine the process for a Master Plan and enable the Master Plan to be developed.  Once it’s developed, it goes to the Board of Selectmen and to Planning & Zoning for a public hearing.  He encouraged all committee members to come into the Land Use Agency with any questions.  Current regulations for Fairfield Hills were distributed.  Mr. Benson said that historically, the first zoning regulations for Fairfield Hills (passed in 1998) included housing.  They were then modified in 2005 to take out those uses.  The use of the current houses were left in until they were taken out in 2007.  He said that as far as modifications, the committee should not feel limited.  He asked them to think out-of-the-box because the current Master Plan is not working.  He said the Land Use Agency needs direction on what the community wants and stated that developers have been encouraged to provide ideas, but that they are limited to the current allowable uses.  Mr. Benson noted that the zoning regulations are specific to what can be done (i.e., set backs, height of buildings), but the Master Plan is conceptual.  Developers have to go through the Land Use Agency where plans are reviewed to assure they are in compliance with the Master Plan and zoning regulations.

Mr. Benson was asked why housing taken out of the Master Plan.  Mr. Benson said it was before his time and did not know and when he reviewed the minutes, they were cryptic.  He said he had no opinion regarding housing, but said it should be looked at.  He discussed a study in process that looks at other ideas for housing in the Town.  

Voting Decisions – After a discussion regarding how the committee will vote, Ms. Zukowski motioned to undertake a simple majority of attendees on all votes except for the final product of the committee.  The final output will require a 2/3 majority of the total members of the committee.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Steele.  The motion was carried 7 to 1, with Mr. Maurer opposing.  

Subcommittee Expectations and Schedule – The subcommittees will post agenda and provide a report to submit to the committee.  The subcommittees will provide a framework and a timeline at the next meeting.

Public Participation – Ms. Johnson discussed the history of the Fairfield Hills.

Ms. Maurer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm.  Motion seconded by Ms. Zukowski. Motion approved unanimously.  

The next meeting will be held in the Council Chambers on Monday, September 27, 2010 at 7:00 pm.